Leap Year

Feb 29, 2016 12:54
Today, February 29th is a leap year.

I can write this sentence only once every four years.

I'll do my best so that I write "today is a leap year" on Lang-8 again.

The leap year has been established to correct deviations of the calendar, because one year is not 365 days, but about 365.2422 days.

In addition, in the Gregorian calendar, there are two other rules to correct subtle deviations due to leap years; if the year is divided by 100 then it's regarded as a common year, but if the year is divided by 400 then it's regarded as a leap year.

On the other hand, in the modified Julian calendar, if the year is divided by 100 then it's regarded as a common year, but if the remainder of the year when divided by 900 is 200 or 600 then the year is regarded as a leap year.

Both of them are very accurate calculation methods of the calendar, but the modified Julian calendar is more accurate.







No. 1 Ben's correction
  • Today, February 29th is a leap year.
  • Today, February 29th, is a leap year day.
     2016 is a leap year, today is a "leap day"
  • I'll do my best so that I write "today is a leap year" on Lang-8 again.
  • I'll do my best so that I write "today is a leap year day" on Lang-8 again.
  • The leap year has been established to correct deviations of the calendar, because one year is not 365 days, but about 365.2422 days.
  • The leap year has been established to correct the deviations imperfection of the solar calendar, because one year is not 365 days, but about 365.2422 days.orThe leap year has been established to correct the deviation of the solar calendar from the actual time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun, because one year is not 365 days, but about 365.2422 days.
     Better to express what the calendar is deviating from
  • In addition, in the Gregorian calendar, there are two other rules to correct subtle deviations due to leap years; if the year is divided by 100 then it's regarded as a common year, but if the year is divided by 400 then it's regarded as a leap year.
  • In addition, in the Gregorian calendar, there are two other rules to correct subtle deviations due which result in to leap years; if the year is divided divisible by 100 then it's regarded as a common year, but if the year is divided divisible by 400 then it's regarded as a leap year.
  • On the other hand, in the modified Julian calendar, if the year is divided by 100 then it's regarded as a common year, but if the remainder of the year when divided by 900 is 200 or 600 then the year is regarded as a leap year.
  • On the other hand, in the modified Julian calendar, if the year is divided divisible by 100 then it's regarded as a common year, but if the remainder of the year when divided by 900 is 200 or 600 then the year is regarded as a leap year.
  • Both of them are very accurate calculation methods of the calendar, but the modified Julian calendar is more accurate.
  • Both of them are very accurate calculation methods of the calendars, but the modified Julian calendar is more accurate.orBoth of them are very accurate calculation methods of the calendar measuring a solar year, but the modified Julian calendar is more accurate.orBoth of them are very accurate calculation methods of the calendars, but the modified Julian calendar is more accurate.
     When you say "both of them are accurate calculation methods of the calendar" it seems like you are saying "both calendars accurate methods of calculating the calendar" which is redundant.
Thank you very much for the corrections and the kind explanations! :)
No. 2 Yukinekorin's correction
  • Leap Year
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I can write this sentence only once every four years.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I'll do my best so that I write "today is a leap year" on Lang-8 again.
  • I'll do my best so that I can write "Today is a leap day" on Lang-8 again.
Hi Kanotown!! ^^

Good job and interesting post as always. I have always been fascinated that February 29th only occurs once every 4 years. It is kind of sad that one of cousin's birthday falls on the 29th of February...
Thank you so much for correcting my post, Yukinekorin-san (^^)
> It is kind of sad that one of cousin's birthday falls on the 29th of February...
It might be a little sad indeed, but I think it's also amazing :)
By the way, the birthday of people who fall on February 29th seems to be regarded February 28th under Japanese law.
Oh that's good for them! Maybe my cousin celebrated her birthday on the 28th every year too xD